Amada Togu 3 Tool Sharpener

We purchased an Amada Togu 3 tool automated sharpener which we are now using. The Amada Togu 3 tool sharpener maximizes tool life and ensures its sharpness. Our Puncher, Marcello, has noticed a considerable improvement. The Togu 3 tool sharpener keeps tools level and sharp. It eliminates burred edges, pulling of slugs, punch marks, etc. We no longer manually sharpen our tools which is a great improvement. Another way to better service and satisfy our customers.

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We had a critical rush job. With Metalcraft’s help we were able to ship on time. We could have not done this without the help of you guys. We appreciate our partnership.”

We have been hesitant to throw any big jobs your way because we have numerous sheet metal houses in the US. However, everything you’ve shipped us thus far has been on-time, on-budget, and without flaw. It’s time to give you a chance to become one of our key vendors.”

I just wanted to extend thanks and praise from NXT for all the hard work in meeting our tight timelines for this past project. The sheet metal quality was impeccable and your ability to push the parts through without full design documentation is a testament your experience in planning, skilled staff and also our trust in your attention to detail and quality workmanship.”

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