We supply product to the medical field so we need our suppliers to establish and maintain a solid quality system. Metalcraft has a solid quality system. They ensure our product is on-time and meets our specifications. They are always available to us and often suggests better alternatives. Thank you Metalcraft.”
Metalcraft Technology has helped us immensely with the manufacturing of our parts. When we first sourced Metalcraft 6 years ago we realized that we would definitely have a long term relationship with them due to their ISO registration and Lean Manufacturing. Not only did they provide quality product, but with their lean manufacturing expertise they helped us streamline our processes, saving us time and costs.”
We have been hesitant to throw any big jobs your way because we have numerous sheet metal houses in the US. However, everything you’ve shipped us thus far has been on-time, on-budget, and without flaw. It’s time to give you a chance to become one of our key vendors.”